Hip-Hop Drumr gives you control of your very own blinged-out 24-carat gold hexagonal drum kit, letting you play slamming hip-hop beats while experiencing a bright neon light show synchronized to your music . Buy Hip-Hop Drumr now for the special introductory price of $0.99 and get drumming straight away, thumping the pads with your fingers and thumbs.
Hip-Hop Drumr features:
• Neon light show synchronized to your drumming
• 9 super-bright white LEDs triggered by the drum pads
• 9 hexagonal drum pads
• 4 sound banks with more soon in an update
• Play along with your iPod library and add some Hip-Hop Drumr flavor to heat up your your songs
• Demo mode plays a demo beat letting you test out the kits (click the Hip-Hop Drumr icon)
• Multitouch drumming goodness
• Easy and intuitive to play
• High quality Stereo 16 bit 44.1kHz samples